Astrology App
Solo App Proposal for Tech 4 Good IDEEA Club
Role: Lead UX/UI Designer
Duration: June 2021 - September 2021
3 Months
Design Process Overview

I was asked to:
Create an app for coders to program in the IDEEA club. I was already in the progress of working on my Astrology App to address pain points that exist in other astrology apps. While chatting with friends about where they get their Zodiac information, they exclaimed they were frustrated with the lack of a visually interesting and informative app for multiple zodiacs.
My Solution
I went through design thinking: Empathize, Define, Ideation, Test, and Prototype. This resulted in an app that explores 6 different Zodiacs as well as Tarot and how that ties in with birthday. I also included a section to share each other's zodiac with a QR code so users are able to compare.
Competitive Analysis
Where does my app fit in with other existing sites?

Costar is an astrology app that is similar to my app. I have used this app and I think there are pros and cons to using it. Some things I like about this app is that it sends notifications and updates the user on things in astrology. Some things that I would change have to do with the UX/UI. The visuals of the app are black and white, and it doesn’t use the space on the screen to its advantage - there’s a lot of white space. The user experience is a bit confusing as well, I have trouble navigating from the home page. Lastly, it doesn’t seem informative enough, it would help to have references for the user to learn from. Ultimately, it doesn’t seem like it knows its audience.

16 Personalities
16 personalities is a website that has the user take a Meyers Briggs Test to determine their personality. Some things the website does well is the color schemes and visuals. I love the avatars and the ability to see them display the personality types visually. Another thing is they have a pretty straight forward way of communicating information. They have tons of information to read about your personality and others. One thing they could work on is the page could be a little easier to navigate - it might be just a little too much information all at once. It may benefit from breaking information down and having an option to read more into it.
User Based Design Research
What appeals to the user?
User Persona

User Empathy Map


Based on the primary user, I want the aesthetic to be witchy. This also works for the color schemes, because it is primarily black gold and white. Because of this, I think altering each user’s experience I’ll be able to mix both, making it visually interesting. Because of this, this mood board will mainly focus on profile pics and the logo design.
Low Fidelity Wireframing

High Fidelity Wireframing
Adobe XD

Changes after User Testing and Feedback